When I joined debate in high school, I learned a lot about systemic injustices caused by the government. This persuaded me to pursue political science. Along with knowing about injustices, I wanted to be able to write about them, thus developing an interest in journalism, too. I feel like majoring in these fields will give me the power to spread awareness about various injustices in the world, and to actually bring about change.
I feel that it’s important to have an Indian presence in the public spheres of political science and journalism because it impacts how people view the Indian community and how concerns that materially affect Indians in politics are addressed. Sometimes, they’re not even presented because there’s such a lack of Indian presence in the public sphere.
I received a lot of support from my friends for choosing this career path, however initially, my family wanted me to pursue something more lucrative - like a S.T.E.M. major or finance. After explaining my future plans to them, including my plan to go to law school, they felt confident that I will have a secure future which led them to become supportive of my choice.
However, I definitely face stigma from the larger Indian community for pursuing something unconventional. I am often expected to be an expert on Indian politics.
Although being a part of a marginalized group does help me think differently because I am more aware of the injustices that we often discuss in our classes. I am involved with groups like MUPSC which is the Multicultural Undergraduate Political Science Coalition. There were a lot of other children of immigrant parents. So it was really nice having a space for us.
I’m proud of how hard I work in both academics and outside of school in advocacy groups on campus including . A lot of Indians know that they are not being represented in politics and they definitely want an Indian voice. I want to be able to create a more diverse environment in this field, where everyone is heard.